All references to "we", "us", "our" or "our company" in this statement (except where otherwise stated) refer generally to EVI Services Limited.

I. Privacy Policy Statement

1. Our Commitment
We undertake to ensure that our policies and practices regarding the collection, use, retention, transmission and access of personal identification information, whether in paper or electronic form, comply with the requirements of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Chapter 486 of the Laws of Hong Kong) and that we are under an obligation of confidentiality and will not disclose confidential information.

2. Types of Personal Identification Information Collected
You may be asked to provide your personal identification information, including but not limited to your name, gender, age, telephone number, email address and residential address. Refusal to provide such information may prevent you from accessing certain parts of the Application, or prevent us from processing any application or request you submit, or may prevent you from fulfilling the purpose of your visit. If you are under the age of 18, you must obtain the consent of a parent or guardian before submitting any personal identification information to us.

3. Purpose of Collecting Personal Identification Information
The specific purposes for which your personal identification information may be used are set out in the Company's Personal Information Collection Statement in Part II below (in particular, points (i) and (vi) of the third paragraph of Part II). Any personal identification information obtained by the Company will be used only for the purposes of the Collaboration Project. All personal identification information may not be destroyed, altered, copied, duplicated or reproduced, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of the provider, nor may the rights and liabilities of the personal identification information obtained be transferred to others.

4. Data Retention
If you are a paid subscriber, we will retain your personal identification information submitted to us via the Internet, forms or other means for a reasonable period of time after the expiration of the Service. If personal identification information is provided by a partner or any third party, EVI shall, upon written notice from the provider, immediately destroy the personal identification information as directed by the provider if for any reason it is not possible to enter into a partnership with the provider or if the partnership is terminated or terminated earlier, and EVI shall not retain any backups, copies, electromagnetic records or computer files.

5. Disclosure of Information
EVI will not disclose, divulge or deliver any personal identification information to any third party without the prior written consent of the provider, except for disclosure to representatives, agents, employees, users or consultants in connection with this joint project. If the disclosure of personal identification information is required by law, court order or request from a competent authority, the Company will notify the provider immediately to the extent permitted by law in order to take necessary protective measures. For details, please refer to the Company's Personal Information Collection Statement in Part II below.

6. Access and Correction of Data
If you wish to access and/or correct the personal identification information you have submitted to us via the Internet, forms or other means, please notify our Data Protection Officer in writing. Upon successful completion of each access, the Company may charge you a reasonable fee for that time. However, if the access is necessary for a true and reasonable correction, such fees will be waived.

7. Security
We use various encryption technologies to transmit your personal information over the Internet, and such information is only accessible by our authorized staff. Due to the nature of the Internet, we make every effort to ensure the security of data transmission.

8. Collection of Personal Identification Information
This statement is only applicable to website user.

Your browsing of the Application may trigger the use of cookies. Cookies are small files that can be stored on the application user's computer to obtain configuration information and analyze the application user's browsing habits. They allow you to revisit an application without having to re-register, and are often used to track a user's propensity for application topics. You may refuse to accept cookies (by modifying the relevant Internet options or your computer system's browsing settings), but in doing so, you may not be able to use or activate some of the features provided by the Application, for your information.

9. Regarding Avatar for Attendance System
This statement applies to users who need to use this function.

All schools using our "Facial Recognition Attendance System" will use the ID photo provided by the parents to the school as the basis for facial identification. However, when the photos are unable to correctly identify the students, the school will briefly open the "Avatar for Attendance System" function in the application and notify the parents through a school notice to take a photo of the student and upload it, so that the attendance system has the latest identification basis. Parents can also independently decide whether to submit the photo. This photo will only be used for the "Facial Recognition Attendance System" and is owned by the school. Neither the school nor our company will transfer or share these photo information with any third party. After the school updates the new profile picture data for the students in the new school year, the old profile picture data will be automatically deleted by the system and no copies will be retained. When the service cooperation period between our company and the school expires, all school and student data, including these photos, will also be deleted from the system.

10. Online Services
We may offer online stores or service providers operated by third party merchants on the Application. If you wish to use or order any of the services or products provided by any of these merchants, please note that any information you submit, once transmitted to the relevant merchant, is beyond our control and is therefore outside the scope of protection afforded by the Company.

11. Enquiry
If you have any questions about our Privacy Policy Statement, please feel free to contact us. The address is as follows
Unit 9, UG/F, The Long Beach, 8 Hoi Fai Road, Tai Kok Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong

II. Personal Information Collection Statement

As a user of our company or a visitor or user of our application, you may be required to provide us with your personal information ("Personal Data") when you apply for and/or continue to use a service and/or product from us ("Personal Data"). If your Personal Data is incomplete or incorrect, we may not be able to provide or continue to provide the Services to you.

We will keep your personal information confidential at all times. Our policies and practices with respect to the collection, use, retention, disclosure, transfer, security and access of personal data will be consistent with those set forth in the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance ("Ordinance") and this Statement.

You also agree that any of your personal data provided by you to us may be used by us for the following purposes and for such other purposes as may be agreed by the parties from time to time

1. Providing the Services, including creating Platform and App accounts, providing company information and school announcements etc.

2. To dispose of any benefits accruing from or in connection with the above-mentioned services that may be enjoyed by you.

3. To analyze, verify and/or check your credit, payment and/or status in connection with the provision of the services.

4. Processing of any payment instructions, direct debit payment facilities and/or credit facilities requested by you.

5. To enable the day-to-day operation of your account(s) in relation to the services and/or the collection of outstanding amounts.

6. To enable us to meet our obligations to connect the parties to the communication or to comply with other industry practices.

Under the Ordinance, you have the right to:

1. Check whether we hold your personal data.

2. Access your personal data held by us.

3. To request us to correct any inaccuracies in your personal data.

4. To check from time to time the Company's policies and practices in relation to personal data and to ascertain the types of personal data held by the Company. In accordance with the Ordinance, we have the right to charge a reasonable fee for the processing of personal data access requests. All requests for access to or correction of personal data or for information about policies and practices and the types of personal data held should be made in writing and sent to our Data Protection Officer.

Please note that this statement may be amended from time to time without notice. A copy of the amendment statement and the effective date of the amendment will be posted on our application. Amendments do not have retroactive effect.

III. Device Privileges and Information

Certain features of the EVI Family App require that you allow certain device permissions in order to ensure the smooth operation of the features, which may be granted at the first run of the App or as needed.

1. Camera
Used for taking photo in the "Photo Album" and "Avatar for Attendance System".

2. Read Storage
Used for selecting photos for "Photo Album" and "Avatar for Attendance System" photos upload.

3. Write Storage
Use to save photos downloaded from Photo Album.

4. Network Status
Used to indicate if the user needs to check the network status before the API calling.

Last Updated: 25 March,2023